Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A v. nice turn of events @ 5w2d

Wow. I am sort of stunned. Had my u/s this morning, with Mr. World Famous RE scanning me himself. He prefaced with the following: "It's really early, so I don't expect to see much." Ok, so expectations are managed. No fetal poles and heartbeats yet. But, guess what? We saw TWO sacs! They were right next to one another, he said that could have been causing the bleeding. He also saw what was possibly some blood in another area, so it could have been that too.

My beta jumped to 6,000+ (didn't get the exact number), so the doubling time is less than 37 hours. RE said the twin thing was "subject to change" but we are looking at a potentially happy outcome. And he was not at all concerned about my progesterone levels.

Feeling symptoms of on/off nausea and tiredness with dizzy spells. Oh, and my face is breaking out like CRAZY - I have at least 2 new zits every day. Gross, I know.

We'll go back in a week for another u/s to see if we can detect 1-2 fetal heartbeats.

I am trying not to get TOO excited. But I am a little excited :) Ok, more than that. It sort of feels like a dream. Don't get me wrong, I know the risks and I realize there is a LONG way to go from here. But, it's a step closer.

Thanks again everyone for all of your support. This network of IF blogs has changed everything for me. I love reading your own stories and getting your advice. So thank you.


AwkwardMoments said...

Wohoooooooooooooooo be excited!!

RBandRC said...

YAY! Congratulations! :)

Kristen said...

Holy crap! YAY!!!!! 2 sacs!!!

So happy for you. I know you are cautious but I'm praying for a good outcome this time. XOXO

Rebecca said...

WOW! That's awesome! CONGRATS! Keep us posted on everything!

bleu said...

ooo ooo ooo I am sooooo excited for you I got all tingly reading your post. Congrats sweety.

E. Phantzi said...

wow, how exciting!

AwkwardMoments said...

YAY Congrats

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm always shocked when I read about seeing two sacs in there! and the zits, I know all about that :(

hoping for next week. X

Caba said...

Congrats! I know all about the being cautious part, but try and be excited, as much as you can! Can't wait for your next u/s!

Natalie said...

Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!