Saturday, October 20, 2007


Here we go again.

Transfer was yesterday. I took the red eye home from Phoenix Thursday night, went to sleep for 4 hours and then got up for the drive into Manhattan. I diligently sipped at my water bottle so I would have the requisite full bladder. Of course, they were almost an hour late, so I was in dire pain! However, the valium certainly helped! I wish they would have given me more. I can see how people get addicted to that stuff. It really makes you feel so nice. Soooo nice.

Anyway I was a little looped when the RE (not my RE, but one who looks like a supermodel and you can't believe she is a doctor) told me that they thawed the rest of my 4 blasts, and one arrested. Coincidentally, it was the day 6-er. I felt sort of bad but at the same time, I knew they would never transfer all four, so in a way this made it easier. No choice, just transfer all three. I got a good look at them up on the big screen. They all had a 95-100% cell survival rate, which is apparently excellent. Supermodel RE said they looked just like fresh embryos. One of the three was HUGE. She was super impressed with that one, saying it was just beautiful. So once again, I have beautiful, happy embryos. So please, at least one of you (the big beautiful one??), make a home in my uterus please! It's nice and comfy in there.
Anyway, the transfer took only a couple of minutes, and she said everything was easy and went well.

I have hope though. How can I not with those little beauties. I just want to say something to them (sappy warning).

Dear little blastocysts:
From the moment I saw you pulsating away on that big screen, I knew what this overwhelming feeling was. It was love. You are the lives we created. Please stay and grow and become a healthy little baby - or babies! And know that we will love you and provide you with everything that you need. We will give you food and shelter and warmth and happiness. We will try not to repeat the same mistakes our own parents made. We will let you grow and develop into the person or the people you want to be. We will treasure you and encourage you. But most of all, you will have our love, and grandparents who are just dying for a grandchild to love and spoil. Can I further entice you? You will have 2 soft, loving, fuzzy, sweet puppies to play with. And you know what? I'll quit my career to stay home with you full time. I promise that to you. I don't want to miss a thing. Not a minute of your lives. I am already attached. Already so in love.

So much for disengaging from my emotions this cycle.


RBandRC said...

PRAYING for you!!!! And keeping everything crossed that they stick around! :) HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Aw sweetie! Your post moved me to tears! I am hoping and praying that at LEAST ONE of these beautiful blasts implants and sticks around for a good long time! I'm glad that the transfer went well (except for the whole in pain from having to pee thing!). Keep us posted, I'll be thinking about you!

bleu said...

I am feeling sooo very positive for you this cycle. How could you not attach, it is impossible.
Congrats on such good embies!!

lady in waiting said...

you are all the best! thank you so much.

Daria said...

awww.. i'm 1dp5dt today and this post just made me cry. congrats