Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Belly shot:

For a little perspective, here is a pre-pregnancy photo:

Please excuse that I never show my face. I want to maintain some level of privacy given the extremely personal nature of this blog.

In other news, I sliced my finger opened this past weekend, had to rush to get stitches and found out they couldn't do it because of the way it was cute. I ended up having an anxiety attack over the fact that I may have needed stitches and a tetanus shot. They took my bp in the midst of this and it was higher than usual so of course I FREAKED out even more, and my anxiety rose all weekend. I got myself in a bad situation when I started checking my bp constantly, getting so anxious before I did it each time and winding up with not only high readings but ridiculously high pulse rates over 145. DH made me do some relaxation and try again, and I always ended up with normal readings after that. Not being satisfied with that, I paged my OB who said, of COURSE your bp will be higher in an situation like that, so calm down. Unless it is consistently high, she is not worried.

Since I am prone to anxiety and OCD, I am definitely worried my ability to make myself crazy. Hopefully I can keep this under control as I realize it can and will lead to problems and I am only making my situation worse.

If anyone has advice on how to control anxiety without medication, I would appreciate it. Keep it mind I am not able to do yoga or work out because of the low lying placenta of Baby A, so I am somewhat limited in options!


AwkwardMoments said...

i wish i had great options to minimize anxiety. Try breathing techniques .. there are cd's that you can buy that instruct you how to relax - just sitting on a chair or couch. I will remember the name and post it for you when i get home .. i want to say it's alice domar : http://www.mbmi.org/shop/listproducts.asp?fam=4 or
(i have some of these)http://www.anjionline.com/

singletracey said...

I am prone to anxiety attacks.. I probably would of had one if that happened to me also.

You look fabulous my dear and 22 weeks! GOOD JOB!!!

Cibele said...

Look at you, what a cute belly!!!

Sorry to hear about your finger. I have no tips about anxiety... I am prone to anxiety attacks myself!

bleu said...

WOW congrats on being over halfway there. I cannot believe how fast your pregnancy has gone for me. lol

Here is a link to some great audio files for meditation. They helped me a lot with last years pregnancy when I was so OCD and paranoid.


Congrats hun, you look absolutely beautiful btw.

judy said...

I know, first hand, how hard anxiety can be to manage through pregnancy.
I suggest some progressive body relaxation.
Lay down, get comfortable and concentrate on one part of your body at a time.
Take a few deep breaths in through your nose, letting them out through your mouth with an audible "ahhhh"
next focus on the very top of your head and on the audible exhale imagine all of the tension leaving your body.
Do this exercise all of the way down your body (including your arms, fingers, chest, belly legs and ending with your feet then toes,) email me with any questions at judykol@comcast.net with any questions.
Peace and love too you,